Beyond 5G Virtual Environment for Cybersecurity Testing by V2X systems (B5GCyberTestV2X)

To enable safe and efficient autonomous driving, there are still open issues and challenges, especially in the area of cybersecurity and its impact on functional safety, especially of subsystems that are AI-based.

Thus, additional challenges include the cybersecurity of Beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G communication methods. In this project, we propose a virtual environment for cybersecurity testing of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems in 5G and Beyond-5G scenarios.

The project involves extending current open-source solutions for 5G-based V2X and developing new functionalities for 6G-based V2X.

Although the project focuses on jamming and spoofing attacks, other types of attacks in higher layers can be easily included. The B5G communication models, the selected use cases, and the procedures against jamming and spoofing will be validated using a measurement campaign.

The B5GCyberTestV2X will fill a gap in the field of autonomous driving in terms of cybersecurity and enable the development of innovative and more secure B5G-based V2Xsystems.

Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences is responsible for developing the B5G and cybersecurity functionalities required in the project in corresponding virtual environments.

Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences is involved in the development of methods to protect against jamming and spoofing in B5G-based V2X, using localization, beamforming, AI scheduling and data fusion.

  • Extend current open source solutions for 5G-based V2X and develop new functionalities for 6G-based V2X.
  • Development of an open source virtual environment for cybersecurity.
  • Definition of use cases for highly automated driving and KPIs in a B5G architecture.
  • Development of procedures against jamming and spoofing in B5G based V2X.
  • Virtual validation of use cases with B5GCyberTestV2X.
  • Experimental validation of B5GCyberTestV2X for selected use cases.
  • Dissemination and communication of innovations and research results.